Registration has opened on 1st March-2021
Here is a short guide to help your patients to register themselves and their families.
How to register for COVID Vaccine for senior citizen
- Use Co-Win app, Aarogya Setu app or log on to http://cowin.gov.in
2. Enter your mobile number
3. Get an OTP to create your account
4. Fill in your name, age, gender and upload an identity document
5. If 45+, upload doctor’s certificate as comorbidity proof
6. Choose centre, date
7. Up to 4 appointments can be made by one mobile number
8. Other options are also available for senior citizens who are not tech-savvy.
9. They can go to common service centres and get themselves registered.
10. They can call the number – 1507 – and ask for registration help.
11. Find nearby corona vaccination centres across India on http://maps.mapmyindia.com portal and http://mapmyindia.com/move App. (List published by http://mohfw.gov.in and mapped by http://mapmyindia.com ).
The nationwide vaccination program is now to be exponentially expanded to the following age-groups from 1st March, 2021:
i) all citizens above 60 years of age, and
ii) those within the age bracket of 45 to 59 years with specific comorbidities
List of all private hospitals has been uploaded on the website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and National Health Authority. These can be accessed at:
a) https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/CGHSEmphospitals.xlsx
b) https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/PMJAYPRIVATEHOSPITALSCONSOLIDATED.xlsx
The complete COWIN REGISTRATION GUIDE is available on the link given below: