Pyramed TeleMedicine

An innovative solution put together by doctors and technocrats working together to enhance the healthcare experience for the patient and the doctor.

Pyramed Telemedicine supports and enables the primary doctor who is the most trusted and important part of the healthcare pyramid- the base. PyraMed App helps the Primary Doctor to easily access and advice from specialists and enhance his/her case based knowledge and learning.
PyraMed Telemedicine was born out of a need to ensure that the benefit of technology is made available to doctors across India and they are able to do away with the unnecessary hassle and expense of travel that the patient has to bear in order to get specialist opinions.


Our Company

Team PyraMed is led by Dr. Ketan Parikh a senior pediatric surgeon, and Mr. Kartik Parikh a telecommunications expert. Our tech team is headed by Brijraj Bhuptani – ex CTO of OLA.
The Team brings together the vast experience in healthcare and the latest developments in technology in the best possible way to make healthcare an enriching experience for all stakeholders; the providers and the patients.

What we stand for?

Our Mission

“Digitally Empower every primary doctor with a specialists’ opinion for better patient care besides augmenting their skills through case-based learning which would improve patient safety and pave the way for a stable health care pyramid.“

Our Vision

To make expert and specialized medical opinion accessible to patients in every corner of the country and contribute towards ‘Health for All’

Our Core Values

Pyramed’s philosophy is based on three key core values.

Empower the Doctor

Empower the primary doctor by helping them to digitally access specialists’ clinical advice and gather case-based learning while being a pivot of their patient’s health and healthcare data.

Enhance Patient safety

Enable the patient to digitally acquire specialized medical advice without compromising on clinical findings, without the travails of travelling for it.

Enrich the Experience

Enrich the healthcare delivery experience by making it affordable, accessible, accountable and accurate.

Our Core Values


Trusted care,
with Medicare

Distinctively exploit optimal alignments for intuitive bandwidth. Quickly coordinate e-business applications.


What we stand for?

Our Mission

“To be the Telemedicine provider of choice across India and encourage digitization of healthcare data while complying with all prescribed rules and regulations and maintaining the primary doctor as the base of the healthcare delivery pyramid“

Our Vision

“To ensure quick and easy access to expert clinical advice in the remotest corner of India.“

Our Core Values

Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas.

Our Core Values

Empower the Doctor

Empower the primary doctor by helping them to access secondary clinical advice and gather case-based learning while being in control of their patient’s health and healthcare data.

Enable the Patient

Enable the patient to acquire specialized clinical advice without having to travel for it or without having to compromise of the safety of their healthcare data.

Enhance the Experience

Enhance the healthcare delivery experience by making it affordable, accessible, accountable and accurate.

Empower Primary Physician

Increase faith and dependency of the patient on the primary physician.

Optimization using Technology

Reduce the need for physical travel for patient to large hospitals to reduce over-crowding, reduce cross-infection, optimize patient resources and family time. Encourage Case based learning.

Reduced physical interaction for specialists will reduce the rate of cross-infections.
An unsupported phw may more easily make grievous errors during management of patients.
Significant follow up advise can be routed through phw.


Digi-Powering Healthcare

Team PyraMed firmly believes in the ethos of pyramidal health care. We welcome primary doctors from across the geography of India to participate and partner in this journey of advanced health care powered by technology.

Safe-guard Integrity of health pyramid.

Case based learning enhances clinical knowledge.

Promote specialized care for all.

Adequately compensated to attract the best talent.


Your reliable team
Medicare doctors

Objectively integrate enterprise-wide strategic theme areas with functionalized infrastructures. Interactively productize premium technologies.


Chase Franklin

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework.



Anna Wilson

Quickly disseminate superior deliverables whereas web-enabled applications. Quickly drive clicks-and-mortar catalysts.



Peggie Cannon

Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and installed base portals.



Hubert Jackson

Energistically scale future-proof core competencies vis-a-vis impactful experiences with optimal networks.


Our Concept

The Pyramidal Model
Of Healthcare

The pyramidal Model of healthcare is internationally acclaimed as the ideal healthcare model where the primary doctors stays in control of the healthcare episode and coordinates with the required specialists to ensure that the patient has easy access to specialized opinions and interventions but the primary doctor (usually the family doctor) maintains the continuity of care.

  • Our Secondary Doctors
  • Our Primary Doctors
Our Secondary Doctors

Secondary Doctor (D2) is the medical consultant who is indirectly being approached by patients through their primary doctor for further resolution of their healthcare needs. They are the torch-bearers of their advanced knowledge and information of their specialties.

Our panel of medical specialists comprise some of the most reputed professionals in the field. They assist the primary doctor to arrive at a diagnosis of the medical problem and also support them on the line of management. Even after the video consultation gets over, they are available on a chat platform for some time to get updated on the immediate developments, reviewing the investigation reports and also opining on the same. Their commitment and their capabilities serve to enthuse our efforts at reaching expert medical advice to the large expanse of this country. PyraMed will strive to keep expanding this team from across the country to enable us to serve more and more patients across the country.

Our Primary Doctors

The Primary Doctor (D1) is the doctor who is directly being approached by patients for their healthcare needs – the doctor in charge of the case.

Medical knowledge is rapidly evolving and a single doctor or a small group of doctors cannot track its entire expanse. The ability of networking with a wide range of specialists enables every doctor to remain abreast with the relevant updates and empowers them to convey these benefits to their patients.

Our team of primary doctors have already been serving the community over several years.  They have the vision that they want to ensure the health of their patients by enabling their patients to have easy access to this vast evolving knowledge bank. They are ready to go that extra mile to joint-consult with specialists for the benefit of their patients. They participate in the joint consultation by:

  • Organising the appointment with the specialist
  • Informing their patients’ salient history to the specialist,
  • Uploading the various reports for the reference of the specialist, and finally
  • Guide their patients through the course of management advised by the specialist.

Get in touch

Come and visit our quarters or simply send us an email anytime you want. We are open to all suggestions from our audience.


C-5, Satyam Shopping Centre,
Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai, India






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